How can I return an item for an exchange or a refund?

For Return/Exchange please check our policy here.

For Details Please message on WhatsApp
+91 9106294771

Do you ship internationally?

We ship our products to all locations in INDIA only.

How long does shipping take?

Shipping time is dependent on your location and time of order. Order shipping to destinations arrive may take up to 5-7 days. Please refer to your order tracking details for exact shipping times.

How can I pay for my order?

You can pay for your order using Cash On Delivery OR multiple online payment method such as credit cards, debit cards, UPI, QR code and others. Payment is secure by Razor pay which guarantees a high level of protection.

Can I change my order?

You can change your order if it is yet to be processed. Please contact us to request a change of order.

How do I contact the customer service team?

We're always happy to hear from you! Please get in touch with us via our WhatsApp and email below. A member of our customer care team will handle your request as soon as possible.

Whatsapp number: +91 9106294771

Email: info@givuil.com